Monday, July 11, 2011

Wait, what I do isn't meaningless?

Sometimes I have trouble remembering that I have an impact on the lives of the case of my job, I actually DO help people, just not in the building-houses-in-africa way. 

If I keep on remembering that maybe it will help me to not scratch my eyes out when I get a particularly inane inquiry.  How do you run your business when you have NO IDEA?  Well, without me, they wouldn't be as efficient in running their business, that's how they do it.  So remembering patience is my goal!! 


On another note, does anyone have any suggestions on getting that song about the pumped-up kicks out of my head??  I don't know any of the words except the ones mentioned above (and I suspect, in the title) and it has been haunting me FOR OVER A WEEK. 

I have even tried getting other songs stuck in my head but this one returns with a vengeance.  Vengeance, I tell you.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew what they were but alas I have no idea. Sounds like shoes but I'm probably way off and it's about something you blow kicks.
